little's law


XX: throughput

Little’s Law for Open Systems

For any ergodic open system we have that

E[N]=λE[T]\mathbb{E}[N] = \lambda \cdot \mathbb{E}[T]

whereE[N]\mathbb{E}[N]is the expected number of jobs in the system, λ\lambda is the average arrival
rate into the system, and E[T]\mathbb{E}[T] is the mean time jobs spend in the system.

Little’s Law for Closed Systems

Given any ergodic closed system,

N=XE[T],N = X \cdot \mathbb{E}[T],

where NN is a constant equal to the multiprogramming level, XX is the throughput (i.e., the rate of completions for the system), andE[T]\mathbb{E}[T]is the mean time jobs spend in the system.

Little’s Law for Open Systems Restated

Given any system where NˉTimeAvg\bar{N}^{Time Avg} and XX exist and where λ=X\lambda = X, then

NˉTimeAvg=λTˉTimeAvg.\bar{N}^{Time Avg} = \lambda \cdot \bar{T}^{Time Avg}.